Lanreath Neighbourhood Plan

The Lanreath Parish Neighbourhood Development Plan was developed in compliance with the Town and Country Planning Act 1990 (as amended) and Neighbourhood Planning (General) Regulations 2012. It presents the Vision and Objectives for the area covered by the Plan until 2030 and presents planning policies that seek to enable delivery of this Vision and these Objectives.


The Lanreath Parish Neighbourhood Development Plan was formally made and came into use on the 28th February 2018. 


The Lanreath Parish NDP runs in tandem with the Cornwall Local Plan and accords with the National Planning Policy Framework. The Cornwall Local Plan and the Lanreath Neighbourhood Development Plan set out the proposed approach to development and the policies that should guide future planning decisions in the Neighbourhood Plan area and will run until 2030. The Lanreath Neighbourhood Development Plan will be reviewed and updated in 2030 unless the Lanreath Parish Council deems that the circumstances warrant a review at an earlier date.


The adopted neighbourhood plan, report and decision notice and other supporting documentation are available to download from the following Cornwall Council Webpage:

Further documentation that supported the development of the Plan including:

  • Steering Group Agendas and Minutes;
  • Questionnaire and response summary;
  • Public Meeting Presentations; and‘Lanreath Lifestyle’ articles,

may be downloaded from the Parish Council’s Lanreath Neighbourhood Plan website:

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If you have any questions about your data privacy, contact the Data Controller using the Contact Us page. 


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