Picture of Parish Notice Board

Lanreath Parish Notice Board

This page contains a range of articles, information and correspondence received by Lanreath Parish Council that may be of interest to the wider community.

National Policing Statement 2024 for Violence Against Women and Girls

The National Police Chief's Council and the College of Policing have jointly published a report highlighting a concerning increase in the Violence Against Women and Girls (VAWG) which has reached epidemic levels in England and Wales, in terms of its scale, complexity and impact on victims.


The full report may be downloaded below.

If anyone has been affected by VAWG they can access free, confidential support by visiting victimcare-dc.org or calling Victim Support on 0808 1681111. To contact a Sexual Assault Referral Centre (SARC)visit sarchelp.co.uk or call 0300 303 4626.

Stroke Association - Cornwall Emotional Support Service

The summer newsletter from the Stroke Association, setting out support available for stroke survivors and their carers, living in Cornwall can be downloaded from the button below:

Allotments in Lanreath Parish

Lanreath Parish Council has recently considered the need for allotments, or allotment gardens, for residents of Lanreath Parish.


It should be emphasised that, at this stage, no site has been selected and no decisions have been reached to move this initiative forward.


The Parish Council would, however, like to gauge the level of interest in the community.


If you would be interested in leasing an allotment and/or would be prepared to participate in the setting up of a Lanreath Allotment Association to manage the day-to-day operation of an allotment site within the Parish could you advise by email to either:


The Lanreath Parish Council Chairman chairlanreathpc@aol.com


The Lanreath Parish Clerk clerk2lanreathpc@gmail.com


or by using the ‘contact us’ facility on this website https://www.lanreathparishcouncil.co.uk/contact-us/


Any responses will be considered at future meetings of the Parish Council.


Thank you.

Information provided by the National Allotment Society on Allotment Associations and their role in the management of sites may be accessed via the link below:

Latest Clean Cornwall Newsletter

Clean Cornwall is a partnership supported by volunteers, community groups, local organisations, Biffa, Cornwall Council and CRCC working together for a cleaner Cornwall. To download a copy of Clean Cornwall's latest newsletter please click on the button below.

CORMAC Community Volunteering

The Cormac Volunteer Scheme is a facility via which individuals or local community groups can identify Cornwall Council owned/managed spaces and work to enhance them. The scheme is largely driven by the desires of the volunteers involved – examples being everything from groups involved in enhancing large public open spaces, through to individuals who tend small flower beds, or weed footpaths.


If you would be interested in volunteering either as individual or part of a group a copy of the Volunteer Scheme Induction pack may be downloaded from the button below.  

Veterans Regroup

Cornwall and Isles of Scilly Integrated Care System Newsletter

The NHS Cornwall and Isles of Scilly Integrated Care System publish a monthly newsletter. Rather than replicate an extensive web based report on this Parish Notice Board the information can be accessed via:


News and Events - NHS Cornwall and Isles of Scilly (icb.nhs.uk)


Should you wish to subscribe directly to the newsletter this can be done by clicking on the link below:


Know someone else who would like to receive this bulletin? They can subscribe here.


Victims of Crime Support

Lerryn C of E Primary School

To download our brochure detailing what the school has to offer please click on the button below or visit our website.


Duchy Health Charity Cost of Living Crisis Fund

At the start of 2023 the Duchy Health Charity Board recognised that the high price of energy and the fastest rise in living costs experienced within a lifetime is impacting heavily on those on low incomes and with underlying health concerns.


The Trustees agreed to set aside £50,000 to meet the most urgent calls for help and asked Cornwall Community Foundation (CCF) to manage the distribution of funds on our behalf.


This money is now providing smaller, much needed charities and community organisations with a vital lifeline across Cornwall and the Isles of Scilly.


If you are aware of any health and wellbeing related organisations within your parishes that you believe may benefit from this fund, please share the following link to direct them to more information:




Changes to the 101 email Police Contact System

What is the issue?

Currently when partners and members of the public email us, we often need to engage in a lengthy email conversation to understand vital information which may have been left out of the initial message, and which is essential to both be able to understand the situation properly and respond appropriately.


This email back-and-forth can take significant time which, unfortunately, can then impact on our ability to deal with other reports coming not our contact centre in a timely way.


The use of the web forms available on our website will prevent this issue because they are constructed with “prompts” to ensure we have all the information we need from the very first time a member of the public gets in touch. This allows our response to be both faster and more efficient.


 To support the exclusive use of web forms, we aim to remove the facility to be able to send emails to 101 on 17 April.

New way to make a non-urgent/non-emergency report online


If you wish to make a non-emergency report to us, please go to our website: www.devon-cornwall.police.uk and the new web forms are available on the home page.

(Remember - if a crime is in progress or someone is in immediate danger, always call 999). 


What is not changing?


The 101 phone line and all emergency contact options remain unchanged.


This will only affect the old 101 email addresses (101@dc.police.uk or 101@devonandcornwall.pnn.police.uk)


All web forms will be dealt with by the same dedicated and hardworking contact team who would have picked up the email correspondence.


In the event you have any questions about this change, please contact Superintendent Matt Bourne via email: matthew.bourne@devonandcornwall.pnn.police.uk.


Thank you for your support.



Assistant Chief Constable Nikki Leaper



Adult Digital Exclusion

It is recognised that the only way of communicating with many commercial and government organisations is online. Elders and those on low incomes, the most vulnerable in our communities, will become disenfranchised as the growing use of technology makes them more isolated in our communities.


Cllr John Gundry has completed some research on this subject and has drafted a report that assesses the extent of this problem locally and provides useful information schemes available locally that provide opportunities to counter adult digital exclusion.


For those in the community that do not have internet access, the Local Libraries and Information Services at Liskeard and Looe can provide information on Council services closer to where you live. Including information on:


- library services

- housing

- benefits

- council tax

- disabled parking badges

- refuse and recycling


They can also offer advice on how to get information about applying for Council services online. Most have free internet access to the Council's website and other public service websites.


If you know of a member of the community who does not have internet access and is unable to travel to either of the local Cornwall Council Library and Information Services, at Liskeard or Looe, and needs assistance in accessing Cornwall Council services, and you are unable to assist directly, please ask them to contact Peter Seaman, Lanreath Parish Council Chair, either by 'phone or text to 07967 646081 and he will assist where he can.


Protect Duty Implications, Event Safety and Emergency Management

The link below enables the download of notes compiled by Cllr John Gundry following a recent Cornwall Council briefing on the implications of the forthcoming Protect Duty Bill and guidance on event safety and emergency management that may be of interest to community groups planning public events in the Parish.

No.77 Bus Timetable

For service updates and to download a pdf of the above timetable see Go Cornwall Bus 

Furzedown Community Fund

Photo of Wind Turbine

The Furzedown Community Fund are accepting applications for funding and help for community projects / educational needs / individual hardship etc.


Please apply, giving your reasons, and amount required to:


Mr J. Venning

Treire Farm,

Lanreath PL13 2PD


email:  j.venning@hotmail.co.uk

Lanreath Parish Council Privacy Notice


Your privacy is important to us and we take care to protect it. We will only share your data in very specific circumstances. Follow this link to view and download the council's General Privacy Notice 

If you have any questions about your data privacy, contact the Data Controller using the Contact Us page. 


The Webmaster Rachel Facey may be contacted at: weblanreathpc@gmail.com