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Lanreath Monthly Diary Dates

July 2024

1st Liskeard Shopper Bus 09:15

Walking Group 10:00

Badminton 19:00

2nd Ladybirds 09:30

Bible Study 14:30

Choir 19:00

Bell Ringing 19:00


3rd Yoga 10:00



4th General Election


5th Pickleball 11:00

Craft Group 13:00

Dog Training 18:00



7th Church Holy Communion Service 09:30

Open Mic 15:00

8th Liskeard Shopper Bus 09:15

Badminton 19:00

9th Ladybirds 09:30

Choir 19:00

Bell Ringing 19:00


10th Art Group 11:00

Bingo 19:00

11th Ladybirds 9:30


12th Pickleball 11:00

Craft Group 13:00

Dog Training 18:00


14th Church Service of the Word 09:30

15th Liskeard Shopper Bus 09:15

Walking Group 10:00

Badminton 19:00

16th Ladybirds 09:30

Parish Council 19:00

Bell Ringing 19:00



18th Ladybirds 9:30


19th Craft Group 13:00

Sheila’s School of Dancing 16:30


21st Church Service of the Word 09:30

22nd Liskeard Shopper Bus 09:15

Badminton 19:00

23rd Ladybirds 09:30

Bell Ringing 19:00

24th Yoga 10:00

WI 19:30

25th Ladybirds 9:30


26th Pickleball 11:00

Craft Group 13:00

27th Football


28th Church Service of the Word 09:30

29th Liskeard Shopper Bus 09:15

Badminton 19:00

30th Ladybirds 09:30

Bell Ringing 19:00







Parish Events table for those using a screen reader

July 2024



Liskeard Shopper Bus 09:15


Walking Group 10:00


Badminton 19:00



Liskeard Shopper Bus 09:15


Badminton 19:00



Liskeard Shopper Bus 09:15


Walking Group 10:00


Badminton 19:00


Liskeard Shopper Bus 09:15


Badminton 19:00


Liskeard Shopper Bus 09:15


Badminton 19:00



Ladybirds 09:30


Bible Study 14:30


Choir 19:00


Bell Ringing 19:00




Ladybirds 09:30


Choir 19:00


Bell Ringing 19:00




Ladybirds 09:30


Parish Council 19:00


Bell Ringing 19:00



Ladybirds 09:30


Bell Ringing 19:00




Ladybirds 09:30


Bell Ringing 19:00






Yoga 10:00



Art Group 11:00


Bingo 19:00





Yoga 10:00


WI 19:30





General Election


Ladybirds 9:30


Ladybirds 9:30


Ladybirds 9:30






Pickleball 11:00


Craft Group 13:00


Dog Training 18:00


Pickleball 11:00


Craft Group 13:00


Dog Training 18:00



Craft Group 13:00


Sheila’s School of Dancing 16:30


Pickleball 11:00


Craft Group 13:00
















Church Holy Communion Service 09:30


Open Mic 15:00


Church Service of the Word 09:30


Church Service of the Word 09:30


Church Service of the Word 09:30


Queen's 'Green Canopy' Tree Planting

Group Captain Mike Trace planting the tree

Photo montage above of tree planting 

Group photo of Tree Planting
Photo of Planted Oak Tree

During this year’s National Tree Week, the community of Lanreath Parish recently planted an English oak tree (Quercus robur) in the grounds of the Village Hall as part of the Queen’s ‘Green Canopy’ Jubilee Year celebrations. This was initiated by Cllr Sue Cave, the Parish Council’s Environment lead, who, in collaboration with the ‘Forest for Cornwall Project’, secured the donation of the tree as part of the Project’s ‘Landmark Tree’ initiative. The Village Hall Committee kindly granted permission for the tree to be planted in the grounds of the Village Hall where it will be readily accessible to the whole community. On the day, the event was jointly organised by the Parish Council and the Lanreath Gardening Group and the Gardening Group have agreed to look after the tree as it grows. Some of the youngest members of our community from the Lanreath ‘Ladybirds’ pre-school toddler group were enthusiastic participants in the tree planting and, if they had their way, would still be there digging! The event was made even more special by the participation of Group Captain Mike Trace OBE DL, who, at very short notice, attended the tree planting celebration on behalf of the Lord-Lieutenant of Cornwall, Colonel Edward Bolitho OBE, the Queen’s representative in Cornwall.


The tree could live for over 300 years. Which means that, if we look after it, our great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great grandchildren will be still be able to play under its canopy. The oak tree also supports the largest variety of wildlife species of any tree in Britain from butterflies and moths to birds, bats, insects and fungi. 2,300 different species are supported by oak, with 326 species depending on oak for survival. 229 species are rarely found on trees other than oak. So, planting the tree was not only a splendid way to celebrate Her Majesty’s Platinum Jubilee but, over the years, it should also help support the ecology of the area. A separate dedication, where the tree will be marked with a plaque, will take place in early June of next year to coincide with wider community celebrations of the Platinum Jubilee. It should have some leaves on it by then!

The Furzedown Community Fund

Are accepting applications for funding and help.

For community projects/educational needs/individual hardship etc.

Please apply giving your reasons and the amount required to:

Mr J Venning

Triere Farm



PL13 2PD

or email:

New Defibrillator

The village is very fortunate to have a defibrillator situation on the Millennium green. However, we have managed to secure funding from both our local turbines, The British Heart Foundation,  the County Councillors Community fund and the Amenities to enable us to recently purchase our second defibrillator from the British Heart Foundation which is situated outside of the Village Hall. This will be a great contribution to the residential area at the top end of the village and of course any functions that take place in the village hall. The list of trained responders will be the same for both defibrillators and is located next to them. The defibrillator is registered with the South Western Ambulance Service and all weekly and monthly checks will be carried out throughout the year by Sandra Pipe, and training for use of the defibrator will be a joint training session for both defibrillators for the named responders.

New Millennium Building Weather Vane

Following extensive fund raising, a handsome new 'The Owl and the Pussy Cat' weather vane was erected on top of the Millennium Building clock tower with a splendidly refurbished clock courtesy of volunteer members of the community.

New Millennium Green Retaining Wall

The retaining wall for the Millennium Green was in imminent danger of collapse. This has now been completely rebuilt to a very high standard, with assistance from Viridor towards the funding, and local builder Neil Marshall for completion of the work.

Lanreath Parish Council Privacy Notice


Your privacy is important to us and we take care to protect it. We will only share your data in very specific circumstances. Follow this link to view and download the council's General Privacy Notice 

If you have any questions about your data privacy, contact the Data Controller using the Contact Us page. 


The Webmaster Rachel Facey may be contacted at: